UT Box
UTBox is a campus-wide service that allows faculty, staff, and students at the University of Texas at Austin to use Box cloud-based file sharing for business and academic purposes. UTBox can be accessed from the UT Box home page.
To get started with UT Box:
- Log in to UT Box (click Continue to log in with your UT EID).
- Review the Box Quick Start Guide.
- Get Box Drive installed on your computer (note: this may require ATS support).
- Get mobile apps by visiting the Apple or Android store on your device
- Learn more about the UT Box mobile app here.
More in depth information is available at the following sites:
- UT Overview
- UT Help
- Box
- Help is also available within Box when you log in.
UT Box can also integrate with your Canvas courses for file sharing, collaboration, group projects, and more.
For more details and to learn more about how you can take advantage of UT Box in your courses, check out this article courtesy of the University of Nebraska.
Google Apps
Google Apps is another free file sharing app that allows UT faculty, students, and staff to share and collaborate on file much like UT Box. In addition to storing and sharing any type of file, Google also allows you to create documents, slideshows, spreadsheets, forms, and more.
Because Google offers so many services as part of what’s known as G-Suite, the names for various apps and services can be a little confusing. So, to keep things as simple as possible, since Canvas integrates with Google Apps, we’ll use that term in this article as well.
Google Apps can also be integrated into your Canvas course using the Google Apps LTI. Learn more here: http://sites.utexas.edu/son-edtech-design/2017/03/24/google-apps-in-canvas/
To get started using Google Apps (in Canvas or not):
- If you haven’t already done so, begin by creating a Google account and email address through UT Mail: https://get.utmail.utexas.edu/
- Get an overview of services available from Google: https://gsuite.google.com/learning-center/
- Learn the basics of how to use Google Docs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6V_h43-BIY
- Go beyond the basics of Google Docs: https://gsuite.google.com/learning-center/products/docs/get-started/
- Find out how you can do more with Google Docs and Google Apps: https://blog.google/products/docs/
Finally, once you’re comfortable using Google Apps, learn how you can Add Google Apps to your Canvas course and take advantage of all the things these apps can do for you in Canvas by visiting the Canvas Community page: Using Google in Canvas.
If you have any questions or would like to know more about how you can take advantage of Google Apps in your Canvas course, please don’t hesitate to contact me.