Source: Coaching Students How to Study – Quick FIC SolutionsQuick FIC Solutions
Educational Technology in UT Austin School of Nursing
Serving the learning technology & instructional design needs of faculty in UT's School of Nursing
, Filed Under: Teaching & Learning
, Filed Under: Media & A/V, Teaching & Learning
Do you ever have guest lecturers who can’t be THERE with you and your students in class?
Do you ever wish you could offer ‘virtual office hours’ for your students?
Would you like to let students work together in a virtual space that doesn’t require them being in the same room?
Do you need to record a webinar that you can share with students later on?
Well, luckily, there are two tools available to you to let you do all that and more.
, Filed Under: Media & A/V, Software & Apps
Whether you haven’t yet had a chance to really explore our new first-floor classrooms, or you’d like a quick refresher before your next class, these three short videos (12 minutes total) will give you a quick overview of how to use the new technology in each classroom as well as some tips regarding what to do and what NOT to do.
, Filed Under: Media & A/V, Software & Apps, Teaching & Learning
By now you’ve probably noticed that many of the classrooms on the first floor here in the School of Nursing have been completely remodeled. One BIG part of that remodel was upgrading the technology available in each of those classrooms.
Over the course of the next year or so, all of our classrooms will be upgraded with the same technology.
So, to help you begin getting acquainted with this new tech and how to use it, here’s a handy classroom cheatsheet (show below) that explains the major features of the touch panel used to control the computer and projector in each classroom.
, Filed Under: Software & Apps, Teaching & Learning
Do you ever wish you have more opportunities to learn about new teaching methods or classroom technologies and how to put them to use?
Well, now you do!
, Filed Under: Software & Apps, Teaching & Learning
All workshops will be conducted in SZB 450AF. unless otherwise noted. Workshop Descriptions are located below the schedule.
, Filed Under: Teaching & Learning
Joe Hoyle shares his expertise from 46 years of teaching and reflects on how to set students up for success from the start on episode 164 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Quotes from the episode If you want to become a better teacher, start writing about it. —Joe Hoyle You have to start […]
Source: Setting Students Up for Success from the Start – Teaching in Higher Ed
, Filed Under: Software & Apps
AHRQ’s health IT initiative focuses on (1) Improving health care decision making, (2) Supporting patient-centered care, and (3) Improving the quality and safety of medication management. AHRQ (the Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality) is part of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.
To learn more, and watch any of their more than 30 videos, visit AHRQ’s YouTube page.
You can also watch their past webinars by visiting their website events page here.
, Filed Under: Teaching & Learning
, Filed Under: Teaching & Learning
Todd Zakrajsek shares about his new book Dynamic Lecturing on episode 159 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Quotes from the episode You can’t just take bad examples of something and claim that the whole concept is bad. —Todd Zakrajsek If bad teaching were considered a crime, I think we’ve arrested the wrong suspect. […]