Todd Zakrajsek shares about his new book Dynamic Lecturing on episode 159 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Quotes from the episode You can’t just take bad examples of something and claim that the whole concept is bad. —Todd Zakrajsek If bad teaching were considered a crime, I think we’ve arrested the wrong suspect. […]
Teaching & Learning
Academic Integrity – Faculty Resources
This page provides information to assist faculty members in addressing various concerns such as scholastic dishonesty. The established procedures for dealing with suspected incidents of scholastic dishonesty (or other student misconduct) are also included along with guidelines for navigating the student discipline process.
Addressing Academic Dishonesty in Your Syllabus
Nursing Building Evacuation Plan
Is your course syllabus 20, 30 or even 50+ pages long?
Do you ever wonder what you can do to shorten it?
One EASY thing you can do is to remove those last 9 pages called the NUR Building Emergency Plan 2017-2018.
Promoting Academic Integrity – Teaching in Higher Ed
Quotes from the episode People have cheated forever. —Phil Newton Think about all the good principles of assessment, but do that through the lens of academic integrity. —Phil Newton If you make it easy for things to happen, then they’re more likely to happen. —Phil Newton We don’t design assessments to catch cheaters — we […]
Source: Promoting Academic Integrity – Teaching in Higher Ed
A Curated Toolkit for Instructors
The Faculty Innovation Center (FIC) recently unveiled a new website full of resources just for you!
Called “QUICK FIC Solutions – A Curated Toolkit for Instructors”, this website contains more than 50 short videos that will show you tips and best practices for everything from dealing with difficult students to how to incorporate technology into your classes.
How to Embed Live Websites into Your PowerPoint Slideshow
Do you get tired of having to switch back and forth between websites and your PowerPoint slideshow during a lecture? Do you wish it were possible to add that website right to your slideshow?
Well, it turns out you can!
For newer versions of PowerPoint (2013, 2016, Mac), you can download the Web Viewer add-in and place web pages right into a slide within your slideshow.
Welcome to the School of Nursing’s Educational Technology & Design Blog
Do you have questions about classroom technology? Are you looking for new teaching strategies? Do you want to make changes to your Canvas course? Then, this blog in for you!
How to create a video for a class – Teaching in Higher Ed
I have been talking often about the learning management system (LMS), Canvas, these past few days. We are switching over to it for the coming academic year, which, according to my calculations, starts in about two and a half seconds. One of the many features I appreciate about it is how easy it is to […]
Source: How to create a video for a class – Teaching in Higher Ed
Converting Web Pages to PDF
Most of the time, the readings you assign to your students will be found in a textbook or journal. But sometimes, you may want them to read an article or other content that’s part of a Web page. And, one way you can make saving and storing that Web page’s content easier for you (and your students) is to convert it to a PDF.
Or maybe your students have asked you to do just that for one of the websites in your “recommended reading” list. Well, now you can share instructions with them so they can do it themselves.
Smart Thinking
Reading good books makes us smarter. And several years ago, UT’s very own Dr. Art Markman created a simple, easy-to-understand way to help anyone, including students, improve their thinking and their learning habits.
Smart Thinking is a book that explores how we think –and how we can do it better. Since thought is the cornerstone of everything we do at UT, it’s a particularly important skill to improve.