Todd Zakrajsek shares about his new book Dynamic Lecturing on episode 159 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Quotes from the episode You can’t just take bad examples of something and claim that the whole concept is bad. —Todd Zakrajsek If bad teaching were considered a crime, I think we’ve arrested the wrong suspect. […]
Getting Started with UT Box
UT Box is a cloud-storage service available at no cost to all faculty, students, and staff at UT. And, which provides an unlimited amount of space for sharing and storing any type of digital file (e.g., video, document, image, etc.).
Downloading multiple files from Canvas to your PC
Downloading multiple files from Canvas to your PC eCampus Help DeskFollowSo you’ve entered Canvas, you take a look at your files and realize you need more than one. Maybe you need 50 or 100 different files! Selecting those files one by one is an option, but what if you could get all those files from Canvas to your computer with just a couple clicks? You can and here is how:
Source: Downloading multiple files from Canvas to your PC – NCTC eCampus Help Desk
Academic Integrity – Faculty Resources
This page provides information to assist faculty members in addressing various concerns such as scholastic dishonesty. The established procedures for dealing with suspected incidents of scholastic dishonesty (or other student misconduct) are also included along with guidelines for navigating the student discipline process.
Addressing Academic Dishonesty in Your Syllabus
Nursing Building Evacuation Plan
Is your course syllabus 20, 30 or even 50+ pages long?
Do you ever wonder what you can do to shorten it?
One EASY thing you can do is to remove those last 9 pages called the NUR Building Emergency Plan 2017-2018.
New Faculty Symposium – August 2017 | Faculty Innovation Center
Promoting Academic Integrity – Teaching in Higher Ed
Quotes from the episode People have cheated forever. —Phil Newton Think about all the good principles of assessment, but do that through the lens of academic integrity. —Phil Newton If you make it easy for things to happen, then they’re more likely to happen. —Phil Newton We don’t design assessments to catch cheaters — we […]
Source: Promoting Academic Integrity – Teaching in Higher Ed
A Curated Toolkit for Instructors
The Faculty Innovation Center (FIC) recently unveiled a new website full of resources just for you!
Called “QUICK FIC Solutions – A Curated Toolkit for Instructors”, this website contains more than 50 short videos that will show you tips and best practices for everything from dealing with difficult students to how to incorporate technology into your classes.
A small bug in Canvas…
Recently, it came to my attention that group assignments that had worked in a particular way in the past, no longer seemed to be behaving now.
So, as we prepare for summer and next fall, if you find that your group assignments aren’t letting you assign groups of people to them, try the following:
Embed, Kahoot!, or anything else into your PowerPoint
You can embed ANY web page into your PowerPoint slideshow!
The steps below will show you how to embed a poll into your slideshow. The steps are virtually identical if you’re using Kahoot!, Poll Everywhere, or just about any other website.
How do I embed Slido into my presentation?
Slido’s Present view can be embedded into your slides to make poll results and live questions visible directly in your PowerPoint presentation. The setup is really easy! To get started click the link above.
For more detailed instructions, you can also refer to this blog post.
If you have any questions or you’d like to schedule a 1-on-1 training session to learn more about PowerPoint or anything else, please don’t hesitate to contact me.