The team has created a Learn Web Best Practices training module to help tackle many of the most common issues people have when creating Web content.
If you already have a website it may help to start with a Content Audit. Know common vocabulary terms then Answer these Questions:
- Do you need a website? Do you have the resources to upkeep a website?
- Who is your website for? Who are your readers?
- What is the best framework for your website? What services can you take advantage of to build your website?
- Organize the content into an outline of categories. What navigation items will be on the site?
- How should your audience experience your site?
- What is the tone and voice of your site? Consider the design, branding and identity of your site. (Visit the Requirements section to discover department, college and university brand policies.)
When you’re ready, find out how to get a website on campus.
A Website a Living Document
The development is a process that is iterative, developed in phases. Your investment in the website is ongoing.
We have a WordPress Instruction site where you can learn the technical skills to get started with the campus provided WordPress, UT Blogs service.
We have a Drupal Instruction site where you can learn the technical skills to get started with the most recently college built Drupal websites.
Learn More
Web Design: Efficient Workflow and UX Foundations: Content Strategy on LinkedIn Learning. Read Content Strategy Basics from