The Mayor’s Health and Fitness Council, a 501c3 non-profit organization, is seeking 1-2 interns to support 2 current initiatives designed to promote healthy eating and tobacco-free living city-wide.
The MHFC is looking for a highly organized masters student or upper-level undergrad with a professional appearance/demeanor who is hungry for getting their feet dirty in a whole spectrum of community planning activities, and who can perform in the trenches and the White House as an “all-around athlete” in supporting these two initiatives. Intern activities would include meeting with Board and Committee Members, participating in strategic planning sessions,engaging with key community stakeholders, developing and refining communications pieces, event organizing, community outreach, and other assignments as required. This is a 2-semester commitment from Fall 2012-Spring 2013.
In exchange this intern will receive mentoring from a number of seasoned professionals in local government, corporate and non-profit sectors and will finish the internship with excellent connections in the community.
10-20 hours/week flexible and working from home with regular meetings at City Hall and elsewhere. Must have own transportation, be proficient in Word, Excel, Social Media. Web development a plus. English-speaking; Spanish is a plus.
Paid – $500 per semester
Send a resume, cover letter and references to: Jennifer L Conroy, DrPH, MPH at