Goals of this position: Educate UT students and surrounding community on the benefits of resource conservation, be a liaison between UT administration and students concerning campus energy policy; research and promote resource conservation behavior changes that can be adopted by students at UT.
The Resource Conservation Coordinator’s primary focus will be outreach and education to students regarding behaviors that conserve resources. This includes the following tasks: relay messages regarding current resource conservation efforts at UT to students (using means including but not limited to social media, tabling and speaking engagements), soliciting student input on current and future University efforts, encouraging students to adopt behaviors that conserve resources in their own lives (on campus and off), work “behind the scenes” to help ensure that University efforts reach students in a meaningful way so as to encourage more resource efficient behavior. The Resource Conservation Coordinator will focus on reaching out to students, educating them, and relaying messages between the students and faculty and staff of UT concerning resource conservation issues. If the University adopts a conservation policy or campaign, it will be the job of the Resource Conservation Coordinator to solicit student input and to publicize the University’s efforts. The coordinator will work approximately 10 hours a week.
To apply: Visit Hire a Longhorn on or after January 2nd to apply for this position, or contact info@utenvironment.org for more information.