Are you studying a modern foreign language? Undergraduate FLAS Fellowship awards in amounts up to $15,000 are granted each year. Find our more about the award here:
If you are studying a modern foreign language, consider applying to one of these prestigious and generous awards. For more information, attend the upcoming informational meeting:
Friday, November 8
9:00 AM
CLA 2.606
A brief presentation on the FLAS Fellowship, including application requirements, program benefits and responsibilities of awarded students, will be followed by a Q&A session.
Programs providing FLAS Fellowships: Center for European Studies, South Asia Institute, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, LLILAS Benson Latin American Studies and Collections
Open to everyone! We encourage undergrad and grad students, advisors, coordinators and faculty to attend!
For more information please contact:
Rachel Meyer
South Asia Institute
(512) 475-6038
Sally Dickson
Center for European Studies
(512) 232-4311