Theatre for Dialogue Independent Study
1-3 credit hours, Fall 2014
Meets twice a week in Winship Drama Building Time and day to be determined
by student availability
Are you an actor, educator or theatre-maker? Are you interested in interactive theatre and social justice?
Then this independent study might be for you!
In this independent study project, undergraduate students will co-create an interactive theatre program for preadolescents to engage in dialogue around issues of sexual violence. Through readings, discussion and devising exercises, students will explore how to use facilitation and performance techniques
to engage in dialogue with young people.
Project Description:
Research has shown that silence helps perpetuate violence.
Theatre for Dialogue gives young people the opportunity to help young characters try out different ways of telling a trusted adult about their victimization.
“Who can I tell? How can I tell them?” are some of the questions this project will create a space for young audiences to explore.
More info:
Come join us as we explore gender justice through socially responsible theatre- making practices in this unique performance opportunity!
The Creative Team Lead for this project is Emily Aguilar Thomas. This project is part of her MFA Thesis in Drama and Theatre for Youth and Communities.
Interested students should contact Emily at to receive more information.
This independent study course is supervised by Katie Dawson and Roxanne Schroeder-Arce.