Title: School to Prison Pipeline Student Discipline Research Intern
Hours: 8-10 hrs/ wk (total duration flexible)
Description: Texas Civil Rights Project (TCRP) seeks an intern to aid in compiling data and research for an upcoming report on inequity in school discipline practices (including suspension and expulsion) for black and Hispanic students and students with special needs. Reporting to a TCRP staff attorney, the intern would review documents obtained from Austin Independent School District and organize relevant information for publication in TCRP’s series of human rights reports.
Qualifications: Experience with Microsoft Excel; ability to work 8-10 hours per week in the spring 2015 semester at our office at 1405 Montopolis Dr.
Application instructions: Please submit your resume, cover letter, and a writing sample to veronica.tcrp@gmail.com. In your cover letter, please explain your interest in working on this particular project.