Leading McCombs Finance Researcher Seeking Highly Qualified Undergraduate Research Assistant
About the research:
Looking for exceptional students to assist in academic research mostly related to the causes of the financial crisis and uncovering financial fraud. An excellent opportunity to learn about research for those intellectually curious students possibly interested in later pursuing a PHD. Professor Griffin is nationally recognized and has won the research award for top McCombs researcher (See http://www.jgriffin.info/papers.htm for background.) His research focuses on investigating and uncovering questionable financial practices to hopefully help shed light on the financial sector. Past Research Assistants are a select group that have gone on to prestigious PHD programs and very top finance jobs.
*Junior (or potentially Sophomore)
*High GPA
*Extremely talented, self-motivated, and diligent
*Highly qualified Honors student
*Some programming experience preferable
*Quantitative background (but does not need to be a finance major)
*Must have at least 8-10 hours per week
How to Apply:
Please write a brief email as to how you meet the requirements and what you hope to gain from the experience and send along with your resume to: Mr. Shams: shams@utexas.edu and Cc Professor Griffin: john.griffin@utexas.edu.