UT Microfarm Volunteer Positions Open |
The UT Microfarm, UT’s first student-run farm, is seeking team leaders, team members, and regular volunteers to attend our weekly workdays! Located near the Facilities Complex at 2204 Leona Street (at the corner of Manor and Leona), the Microfarm uses organic, sustainable methods to grow produce for UT dining halls and the local community. The following volunteer positions are available: |
All volunteer positions have the potential to earn a paid position for summer 2015 and/or the 2015-2016 school year. If interested, please contact the staff at microfarm@utenvironment.org for more information about position requirements. Interested volunteers should then attend a weekly workday (Thursdays 3:30-6:30pm and Saturdays 9am-12pm) to meet the staff and undergo any necessary training. (more info) |