The application deadline for the Next Generation Scholars program is March 27, 2015. It’s a one year program for those interested in engaging in policy research for an eventual career in international security and law. Current students in the program are from a variety of majors: History, IRG, Plan II, Middle Eastern Studies, Spanish, Business Honors, Economics, and Math. Please read below for more details and a link to the application.
Undergraduate Students: Next Generation Scholars
The Next Generation Scholars (NGS) undergraduate program was launched in 2010 with the goal of providing new research and mentorship opportunities for promising UT undergraduate students interested in careers in international security and law. In 2015, the NGS program will expand to include a focus on civic engagement through a partnership with the RGK Center for Philanthropy and Community Service, expanding the reach of the program by engaging more students and involving faculty members on a wider range of local, national, and international policy issues.
This one-year program includes two key components: First, students take a 3-credit research training and professional development course in the fall semester. This course is designed to introduce students to policy work, including basic skills in policy research, analysis, and writing. Students will be trained on designing research strategies and proposals, conducting policy analysis, writing resumes and statements of purpose, crafting op-eds and blog posts, and planning for the steps in their career development. Second, the program matches each selected student with a research agenda underway by a Strauss Center Distinguished Scholar or RGK Center Faculty Fellow to provide opportunities to directly engage in policy-relevant research and practice skills taught in the fall course. For application information, click here.