Our mission is redefining environmental issues as social and economic justice issues, and collectively setting our own agenda to address these concerns as basic human rights. We seek to empower our communities through education, advocacy and action. Our aim is to increase the participation of communities of color in corporate and
government decision making related to toxic pollution, economic development and their impact on our neighborhoods.
Nahui Ollin Climate Justice – Healthy Communities Project works with parents and community residents to address air, soil, and water quality issues and their impact on children’s health. PODER also conducts workshops on various environmental health issues, including the health impacts of exposure to noise, electro- magnetic fields, and extreme heat, the Hazards Communications Standards of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), community/workplace hazards mapping of potential risks, and worker health and safety rights.
This fall PODER will be working with parents at various schools with our program entitled, Nahui Ollin Healthy Communities/ Climate Justice. This project is unique because our approach is based on inclusive environmental elements and we are reflections of those natural resources (air, water, sun and soil). This project promotes environmental community education, increase community involvement and community decision making process.
If you are interested in working with PODER on this project, contact Susana Almanza by email at poder.austin@gmail.com or call the office at 512/401-3311.