Position Title: Zero Waste Workplace Team Member
Approximate Hours per week: 10
Job Start Date: 1/22/19
Submit Cover Letter & Resume to Lindsey.Hutchison@austin.utexas.edu to apply.
UT-Austin’s Resource Recovery program is seeking a student who is interested in learning more about sustainability, recycling, and zero waste, to join their Zero Waste Workplace (ZWW) team for the spring 2019 semester. This building-level program takes a multi-pronged approach to increase recycling and compost, reduce contamination in the recycling stream, and encourage reuse. As a member of the ZWW team, applicants will work closely with several campus entities, including Resource Recovery and Building Managers and other building champions to pursue the campus-wide goal of being 90% zero waste by the year 2020. Applicants will learn best practices behind implementing successful behavior-change programs, gain hands-on experience in the field with a team of like-minded students, explore the everyday functions of recycling and solid waste, and learn about various ways UT-Austin is working toward making campus a more sustainable place. Areas of project work include communications, bin optimization, data collection, and event planning.
In addition to the ZWW Project Team, you would be a member of Resource Recovery’s student internship program. All of our student interns meet weekly as a team to share and learn and create synergy across our work. Additional team activities include but are not limited to outreach during Earth Week.
- Interest and/or experience in sustainability and willingness to learn about the inner workings of recycling, solid waste, and surplus
- Ability to maintain professionalism and represent the department well when communicating with faculty, staff, and students
- Timely and effective communication
- Punctual
- Ability to produce quality work individually and in teams
- Organized and adaptable