The Texas Historical Commission (THC) Internship Program is designed to provide undergraduate and graduate level students unpaid internships within a selected agency division or program; thereby exposing them to the benefits of choosing historic preservation as a career. This is in compliance with the mission of the THC to protect and preserve the state’s historic and prehistoric resources for the use, education, enjoyment, and economic benefit of present and future generations.
Internships can include, but are not limited to, practical experience in archeology, architecture, community development, historic preservation, history, economic development and planning, marketing communications, and administration. By working closely with THC staff, students should gain hands-on knowledge relating to their coursework in a specific field.
The THC works to save the real places that tell the real stories of Texas. THC staff consults with citizens and organizations to preserve Texas’ architectural, archeological, and cultural landmarks. The agency is recognized nationally for its preservation programs.
Who We Are
The THC is composed of 15 citizen members appointed by the governor to staggered six-year terms. The agency employs more than 200 people who work in various fields, including archeology, architecture, history, economic development, heritage tourism, public administration, and urban planning.
The THC Internship Program will:
- Give students an insight into state government duties by working closely with staff at the THC
- Provide students with experience in a working professional office environment, while still including an educational component to each internship
- Provide students with the experience in the archeology, architecture, community development, historic preservation, history, economic development and planning, marketing communications, and administrative fields
- Provide the students an opportunity to develop an understanding of and appreciation for the field of historic preservation
- Enable students to build a resume
- Enhance appreciation of public service
- Allow students to earn course credit, depending on the degree plan and institution
Internships are available in the following THC Division programs:
- Administration and Staff Services Divisions – Information resources, accounting, purchasing, human resources, and executive management
- Archeology Division – 106 Review, state archeology programs, curatorial certification, Marine Archeology Program
- Architecture Division – Texas Historic Courthouse Preservation Program, Information Services
- Community Heritage Division – Texas Main Street, Certified Local Government, and Texas Heritage Trails programs
- Historic Sites Division – Curatorial services
- History Programs Division – Historical Markers, Historic Cemetery Designation, Museum Services, National Register of Historic Places, and Military Sites programs
- Public Information & Education Department – The Medallion publication, website, social media, and public relations
Application Deadlines:
- May 1 for the summer semester