Brief summary
The Looks and Achievement study uses longitudinal video data from a national study of children, youth, and families to look at associations between different aspects of physical appearance over time and later life outcomes, including but not limited to health and academic achievement. We are seeking undergraduate research assistants to assist with this project for the summer term. Students would work ten hours a week on project-related tasks, specifically rating the age of youth in a series of video clips. This is a paid research assistant position at $10 per hour.
Qualified research assistants must meet the following criteria:
- Responsible and timely, with the ability to work independently
- Highly motivated, organized, and detail-oriented
- Good communication skills
- Minimum 3.25 GPA
- Commitment of approximately 10 hours per week
- Students who have already completed human subjects (CITI) training preferred.
Project timeline
Research assistants are expected to work remotely for approximately 10 hours per week during the Summer 2021 semester.
RAs will be expected to attend two one-hour long training sessions in which the project manager will explain the purpose of the project, describe confidentiality protocols, and explain how to access and rate videos in the online rating system. Upon completion of the training, research assistants will then be assigned sets of videos each week (equating to about 10 hours of work per week) that they will independently rate within the online ratings portal. RAs must have a computer with high-speed internet access.
To Apply
Please send an email indicating your interest in the position and a resume to Lilla Pivnick at lilla.pivnick@gmail.com by June 4, 2021 at 5pm CST. If you have any questions about the position, please also email them to lilla.pivnick@gmail.com.