Volunteer Healthcare Clinic—A place of help, healing and hope
The Volunteer Healthcare Clinic’s mission is to provide the most vulnerable with access to high quality healthcare and prevention education. This mission is carried out by a wealth of volunteers, a corps of 400, who provide the medical treatment and education that the low-income, uninsured, Travis County residents so desperately need. Austin’s oldest charity clinic, VHC is also it’s only walk-in and free clinic.
Project Description and Purpose:
To assist with marketing, fundraising and general awareness of the uninsured and this healthcare clinic in Travis County, VHC requests a video highlighting the healthcare needs and statistics of Travis County, Texas and the United States. It would detail the statistics of what VHC accomplishes to alleviate these needs and capture the spirit of hands-on philanthropy that is present as the volunteers arrive to provide their services each night. It would also increase the awareness of how not having health care affects the lives of the patients whom we serve.
Project Details:
The video would need to include patient interviews, video of how the clinic operates, and research on statistical analysis of the uninsured in Travis County to be included in text with the video. It may also include narration. It would need to be paired with music that sets the mood for the video. Its length can be from 3 to 5 minutes. Assistance will be provided to attain interviews and statistical analysis.
Skills Gained:
A better understanding of how public health works, knowledge of clinic services for the uninsured, ability to research public health needs, philanthropy and the ability to help an underserved population.
Please contact Aaron DeLaO, Director of Programs and Services if you are interested in this project. 512-459-6002 x 203, andelao@volclinic.org.