The UT Public Health Internship Program has posted information regarding their application process and deadline for Fall 2013 Internships. Deadlines are this April and we encourage interested students to look into the requirements soon. If you plan to propose this internship as a Connecting Experience, be sure to speak with your BDP Advisor as well. You can find more information online here:
The UT Public Health Internship Program website includes the following description of the program:
Internship Description
This internship is for undergraduate or post-baccalaureate students at UT Austin, who are interested in gaining experience in public health laboratory science or epidemiology.
Student interns will have the opportunity to conduct goal-oriented, semester-long research projects for university credit under the supervision of public health scientists in laboratory science or epidemiology. In addition to valuable research experience, student interns will gain communication skills by preparing both written and oral presentations about their completed projects. They will present their projects before an audience that includes representatives from Department of State Health Services (DSHS), Austin/Travis County Health and Human Services Department (ATCHHSD), UT and their fellow interns.
Students will be selected to participate based on merit via a competitive process without regard to race, color, religion, or gender. Completed applications will be reviewed, and students will be interviewed in person or by telephone. Selected students will be assigned research projects based on the mutual interest of the student and mentor.
Student interns must complete 180 hours of work for the semester (approximately 12 hours/week) to earn 3 hours of academic credit in BIO 361P, a substantial writing component course. They must provide their own transportation to the internship site and are responsible for obtaining necessary vaccinations, including vaccination against Hepatitis B virus. Training will be provided in safety, computer security awareness, and in the basic principles of patient’ rights to privacy and confidentiality.