Because we know how things work, sometimes we think we understand why these things work as they do. That can be a problem.
The Myth of Learning Styles
For years now, we all heard about various “learning styles” and the importance of tailoring learning experiences to the learner to help ensure more effective learning.
Unfortunately, while it is absolutely critical that we keep the learner in mind, focusing on “learning style” may not being doing as much good as we once thought.
Mid-Semester Feedback | Faculty Innovation Center
Mid-semester feedback lets instructors “check the pulse” of their class partway through the semester. By surveying students, especially after a chance to evaluate evidence of learning, instructors and students alike can gain practical and actionable insights about what is working as well as recommendations for improving learning and teaching.
Read More: Mid-Semester Feedback | Faculty Innovation Center | The University of Texas at Austin
Create Your Own Mid-Semester Survey
Coaching Students How to Study – Quick FIC SolutionsQuick FIC Solutions
Getting Started in Our New 1st Floor Classrooms
Whether you haven’t yet had a chance to really explore our new first-floor classrooms, or you’d like a quick refresher before your next class, these three short videos (12 minutes total) will give you a quick overview of how to use the new technology in each classroom as well as some tips regarding what to do and what NOT to do.
New Classroom “Cheat Sheet”
By now you’ve probably noticed that many of the classrooms on the first floor here in the School of Nursing have been completely remodeled. One BIG part of that remodel was upgrading the technology available in each of those classrooms.
Over the course of the next year or so, all of our classrooms will be upgraded with the same technology.
So, to help you begin getting acquainted with this new tech and how to use it, here’s a handy classroom cheatsheet (show below) that explains the major features of the touch panel used to control the computer and projector in each classroom.
Fall 2017 Faculty Training Workshops
Do you ever wish you have more opportunities to learn about new teaching methods or classroom technologies and how to put them to use?
Well, now you do!
August 2017 FIC Workshops
Setting Students Up for Success from the Start – Teaching in Higher Ed
Joe Hoyle shares his expertise from 46 years of teaching and reflects on how to set students up for success from the start on episode 164 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Quotes from the episode If you want to become a better teacher, start writing about it. —Joe Hoyle You have to start […]
Source: Setting Students Up for Success from the Start – Teaching in Higher Ed